Monday, February 9, 2009

Decorative Concrete Block

If you know of another name, please let me know! Our beautiful house was not blessed to have a carport or other architectural element made with decorative concrete block like many houses in our neighborhood. Jason and I are determined to change that. We've been planning out 2 architectural features for the front of our house. One as a backdrop behind our address sign and the other for balance and interest on the right side of the house. Here's the plan as of Sunday:

It might change! Also, we're thinking of painting a couple of them in the accent color that we paint the front door—yet to be disclosed. (We do have a swatch painted on the door though!)

On Saturday (the same day we scored our awesome new MCM footstool) we decided to check Hailey Salvage for retro concrete block. We found these! They have a bunch of it so we're planning to go back and get it soon.

Side note: on Saturday we also had those two over-grown, not special bushes pulled out from the left and right front corners of our house. I haven't taken a new picture yet. (The picture above is from almost a year ago.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we are looking for some retro concrete block. If you have any information could you please e-mail it